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Re: not feeling good

Dear @BlueBay

Oh dear .. its been one thing after another for you this past month or so, hasnt it? This will be your second COVID-19 test and self isolation, within a month I think. Really hope its another negative result and your carple tunnel surgery can go ahead as planned.

I guess you still have your tonsils? I had my tonsls removed when I was about 11 years old I think. After constant tonsilitis. But they can actually grown back (partially in my case) and I have had a couple of bouts of tonsilitis a few years back. It can make you very sick and sore.

I'm glad that your Dr has been playing things safe in regards to COVID as well as other possible issues. The thing is, you have been quite unwell for some time now.

Sounds like the sore throat and bad headache (migraine) are really taking a toll on you overall Blue. Added to the stressors around work, finances, upcoming surgery, a packed household, etc, etc .. things are pretty rough for you. And little to no let up for months now.

I hope that the corisone that the female Dr from yuor usual GP practice, gave you starts to have a beneficial effect soon. Its a pretty powerful drug, so it shouid have a pretty quick benefit. Certainly hope thats the cse anyway.

How good is that, that your work is so caring and concerned about you? That must be a major relief to know your job is still there for you when you are able to go back post illness and surgery. If thats what you choose to do.

I hope you enjoyed the beef bone broth for your dinner, and that it was soothing for the sore throat. Well done hubby for the vege pasta bake. Gradually you are managing to train them. 😊

Okay I must go. Talk again soon.

Sherry 🌺💕

Re: not feeling good

Hi dear friend @Former-Member 

I didn't sleep well last night. I was up at 2am-3am. Got up and made a tea and sat quietly. And up again at 6am. My throat hasn't improved. I'm hoping eith snother cortisone tab tiday will improve. 
little A is awake and reading (or pretending) books. shes very clever she remembers the words when my D reads to her and now she knows what the books about. 
going to rest as much as possible today again. 
I hope you can have a nice day. Xxxx

hi to @Maggie @MDT @Molliex @Shaz51 @Owlunar @Faith-and-Hope 

Re: not feeling good

Hi @Former-Member @Maggie @MDT @Molliex @Shaz51 @Owlunar @Faith-and-Hope and others


i have just received a text msg from the hospital. I'm COVID free. A relief. I'm still not well though with my tonsils and glands. I'll ring my doctor tomorrow. 
tiday is sunny.  Littke a snd I played with some play doh. She's asleep niw. Hubby went to Bunnings to buy some plants. And I'm going to rest again this afternoon. 
I'm so glad I gave this week off wirk to rest. And then the following Tuesday I'll have the surgery. 
hope you're all having a nice Sunday afternoon. 
chat later xxxxx

Not applicable

Re: not feeling good

Good news re COVID @BlueBay 👍💗 I hope the tonsils and glands settle down soon. Enjoy your afternoon rest. Going to do the same here too shortly. Still feeling unwell after bad headache and associated nausea today. Hope to chat later.


Sherry 💖


Re: not feeling good

Glad you are covid free @BlueBay
Take care my awesome friend

Re: not feeling good

Glad you are covid free @BlueBay 

sorry I have not been here for the last few days 

I have swollen glands at the back of my thoart , sooo sore 

Hello @MDT , @Former-Member , @Maggie@Molliex 

Re: not feeling good

hey my sis @Shaz51  i am sorry you are feeling so terrible.  i feel for you as I know what the sore tonsils are like. I am still not feeling good, speaking to my doctor at 11am.  hope you feel better soon.  take care xxx

hi @Former-Member  i am sorry that you are not well too, naseau is horrible.  i hope you are a little better too xxx

hi @Maggie @MDT @Molliex @Owlunar @Faith-and-Hope @Angels333 

and others following - 

i am so glad that i have this week off from work before my surgery next tuesday.  i think my sore throat and covid testing had put an instant stop to working, which in a way was good.  although today i am feeling a bit guilty for been home.  after my surgery i will be home for two more weeks before i can resume work and it will be light duties i am sure.  

i am speaking to my dietitian this thursday which will be good.  i have a few things i need to talk to him about.  and he is great in listening and giving me some positive points/tips and things to try and do.

it is really hard at the moment financially.  i have been looking for work but i don't think i am in the right headspace to even think of work.  but i am trying to think ahead.  

i had this silly thought yesterday afternoon that i could study again and do cert iv in mental health.  what a silly thought that was!! Then i looked at medical receptioinist which i could study - it's only 4 weeks on friday's.  but then i negated that with "well then how do i get a job in that field, what's the point, i couldn't get a job, so there's no point in studying".

I really don't know what to do.  i try to weigh up things in my head reg. work and life balance.  The supermarket i thought was good because it's 5 min down the road, i know a lot of the staff and it's not too hard except for the heavy lifting.  the money is good because i am casual but there is no permanency with it.  i never know from one week to the other.  so that is playing a lot on my mind lately as i am definitely a person that needs stability.

i just don't know???

Not applicable

Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay ... Yes I am a lot better today thanks.  Though very tired from lack of sleep last night.

I'm glad to hear that you are still looking for work which may be more suitable for you. 

Ohhh Bluebay ... considering study is definitely NOT a silly thought.  I say good on you, and I really hope you follow up on that option.  Even if nothing actually comes of it, it is still something you may well enjoy.  And its good to learn new skills and meet new people. And you just never know what might come of it.  If you are genuinely interested in either mental health field or medical reception work ... go for it.  Do the courses, and then see where it takes you.  I fully get it that you need more stability than what you have currently with a casual job at the bakery.


Talk later

Sherry 🌺😊

Re: not feeling good


My friend. Thanks for the tag and an update on how you are going.

I hope you get some respite also.

You know I think doing study again wouldn't be a bad idea if you can manage it. It's your choice.

I am looking at the same maybe. Not 100% certain yet.
I was looking for new jobs this morning at work (don't tell anyone). It's fine if we want to change and if that means doing some study or some sort then jump on in.

I am always happy to read and stay updated on your journeys @BlueBay
You've become a good forumite friend here to so many. Myself included.

Re: not feeling good

Glad you're a bit better @Former-Member  still take it easy my friend. 
hey @MDT  thsnks so much for your kind words. I never know who to tag anymore because I think I'm bothering them. 
I'm not sure about the study bit. My problem is I feel thst I'm too old (54) to go to study. And what if I can't do it or cope. 
I'm not sure. Just a thought at the moment. 
I hope you find something too. Any thoughts on what you might study? 
it's so hard. My youngest son 24 finished tri years at uni Bach dip bus management accounting. Graduated last year and still no job. It's really tough out there. Thank god he still has his supermarket job he's had since 15. He's now a duty manager but he prefers to get a job in the field he studied. He's had quite a few good interviews but nothing eventuates. I feel for him because I know he's a good worker. 
It's so hard.