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Had to have an early night last night @JP81, and thankfully slept well. I was snug for the first time when I got into bed. 


I'm pleased you are still able to believe in the goodness of people. For me, too many bad experiences. Only occasionally do I meet someone decent, but at least here everyone is caring and decent. I take solace in the company I get here mostly. It's nice to be helped and to feel that perhaps we have been a help to others. I think that is what life is supposed to be like. 


There is such an array of people here, so many interests and points of view. Gives a little variety in life. How often, under ordinary circumstances, do we get to converse with such a variety of people at such a level, allow ourselves to be vulnerable and, often, to discuss matters others don't understand. 


12° here today. Take care.


No family here, and 'friends' never were @JP81. I could never depend on anyone in my life although my parents did their best under impossible circumstances. My birth family is a mess, very sadly. I've spent half my life trying to correct it, but everyone is still an island, and scattered.


More plant re-potting today and I have to go out. Chores always need doing. Have a pleasant day @JP81. 16° in Sydney. I'm jealous. Anything on your agenda today? Take care.


Have a good day, @Emelia8. Anything on your agenda?


Welcome, @JP81 ! It's heartwarming to see your conversation this morning 🙂


A handy forum tip is if you type @ and then click on a name in the drop-down box, that person will get a notification and won't miss your reply to them. 


I hoep you find the forums supportive 🙂


@Historylover , can I just say, I've seen your responses all around the forum this morning, and am so impressed with your kind, understanding, empathetic words and suggestions. Have you ever considered applying to be a Community Guide at the next intake? 

Senior Contributor


Morning @Historylover 😄

I have day rehab (exercise physiologist and hydrotherapy for six week post spinal surgery rehab) this morning.  And this evening I have another session with my clinical psychologist in preparation for EMDR therapy to commence in coming weeks. 


Hope your day is a good one @Historylover @JP81 @Bow 




Thank you @NatureLover for your kind words, but I like to respond only when I sense a need I can respond to, to be spontaneous, to balance the books for what I have received. My life is just too messy.


Fair enough, @Historylover  🙂


I hope today is beneficial for you, @Emelia8. Take care.😊


So many messages to read this am 🙂
Thank for them all.
Family is soo messy.
Im sorry you have had to try so hard to connect. Its not easy.
Its very hard to trust people in this world we live in. I struggle with that soo much. Sometimes we have to make choices that benefit our mental health. Dont be afraid to make choices that are good for you. You are a decent and kind person and deserve all the good things in life.

More planting.. go you!!
I have tried plants… unfortunately i dont have a single green finger.

I am at work today and its a long one. So very tired and not wanting to be here at all.

I hope today is a wonderful day for you.
Be kind to yourself 🤗