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Re: Sunday scaries, anyone else?

I love the things you both like to do together - especially because to me it looks like you both thrive off quality time being spent in a way where you are both stimulated and doing something practical - such as arts and crafts or lego 🙂

Were you both able to do any of these last weekend @Bow? (Yesterday)

Re: Sunday scaries, anyone else?

We went out for a while to a community Easter egg hunt @PizzaMondo  oh we also spent time cleaning out all her clothes! She probably didn’t see that as quality time, but we talked and laughed our way through it. 

Re: Sunday scaries, anyone else?

Oooh, a community Easter egg hunt sounds fun @Bow ! Did you daughter find many eggs? 😛

I can imagine something like cleaning may not be seen as quality time, but it sounds like with the talking and laughing it may have made the cleaning go a little faster and seem a little less tedious!

Do you feel like this Sunday was a good Sunday then? Or do you have some anxieties around that maybe it was not enough?

Re: Sunday scaries, anyone else?

@ArraDreaming , absolutely I hate the sunday scaries! As a uni student with a job the weekend is often spent playing catch up on school work and house work and so I rarely feel on top of everything and rested... I think the issues you're speaking about however are more about guilt that you aren't spending the time wisely. Perhaps finding a way to accept yourself and your capacity for doing things! Maybe meditation, mindfulness, yoga, solo time going to a cafe will help you. I find these feelings fluctuate for me!