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Topic Tuesday // OCD - Managing compulsions // 25 Jul, 7pm AEST

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Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

LE_Topic Tuesday Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.png

What are your experiences of obsessions and compulsions?  Do you have any tips for managing specific fears, unwanted thoughts or controlling habits?

For July's #TopicTuesday we're looking into the experience of living with OCD.  We are excited to have Renee from the Anxiety Recovery Centre as our guest.

This discussion will give people living with OCD the opportunity to talk openly about their experiences. It's also a chance for people unfamiliar with the illness to learn more.  Everyone's welcome. 

Join SANE Forums on Tuesday July 25, at 7pm AEST to find out more.


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Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

Good evening all

Thanks for joining us for tonight's Topic Tuesday about OCD and managing compulsions.

I'm so pleased to be able to introduce our guest Renee who is the Helpline Coordinator at ARCvic.  She's a Social Worker who has held this role for the past 7 years and has been a key influencer in the careers of quite a few forum moderators that you know and love.  ARCvic is now in its 30th year having started as a grassroots organisation with OCD at its heart.  It's grown to encompass all anxiety issues but OCD remains a strong focus.

I'd like to welcome @Former-Member, @Here2Stay34, @patientpatient, @Shaz51, @Former-Member, @BD1, @SSB72, @Eden1919and @Simona to the conversation. 

To start us off I'd like to ask Renee, what do you wish people knew about OCD?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

Hi everyone and thanks for having me! I wish the broader community had more awareness and knowledge about OCD - how distressing, debilitating, overwhelming, isolating and exhausting it can be. Perhaps if there was more understanding, people would be less likely to say that they’re “so OCD” just because they like things to be neat and tidy! I’m keen to hear what others wish people knew about OCD too, and really looking forward to hearing about your strategies for managing compulsions.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

hello  @ReneeT,  @Former-Member Smiley Very Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

That's so true @ReneeT.  It's become part of every day language but it does such a disservice to the people dealing with OCD.

What are the most common OCD presentations at ARCvic?  The condition encompasses so many different thoughts and behaviours.  Is it possible to narrow down the most common?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

Hi @Shaz51 🙂 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

There are a wide variety of OCD presentations that we respond to at ARCVic. Some of the more regular presentations that we connect with tend to be around thoughts of harm to loved ones, fears of contamination, and obsessive thoughts that are sexual in nature.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

I wish people knew that is was not something you could just snap out of. also that it is not just keepng things straight or clean. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing compulsions // 25 July, 7pm AEST

is there different degrees of OCD @ReneeT, @Former-Member

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