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Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

@Former-Member I noticed in my body my heart rate slowed down, I wasn't as fidgety and my muscles relaxed.



Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

@DrZoidberg Counting is a really great idea - I am going to implement this next time. That sense of not letting go of your breath, really interesting. Wonder what is behind that? I sometimes become attached to my breath during a meditation, almost like I know I will take it for granted again as soon as the meditations done. Thanks @DrZoidberg 🙂 really appreciate your sharing.

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

I notice my shoulders relax and my neck also. But it usually takes me longer than the 5 minutes to get these feelings

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

@Windflowers That's great to hear, the shoulders and neck is apparently where we hold heaps of stress too. I notice my chest opens up, really nice feeling.


Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

@SmilingMind, @Former-Member 

I started feeling my body start to go ahhhhhhhhhhhh

but then the smell of the  cup of coffee which was put in front of me 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Thanks for sharing @Snowie, it can be so helpful to notice what relaxed feels like in our bodies can't it? When we become really aware of what relaxed feels like in the body (it's amazing how many people are completely unaware of what relaxed actually feels like!) we can tune into those sensations which allows us to relax even more. 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Both the coffee and ahhhhh of the body sound equally delightful Smiley Very Happy @Shaz51 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Apologies to move along so quickly crew! Discussion point 3!
@SmilingMind @Shaz51 @Windflowers @Snowie @DrZoidberg and others Smiley Very Happy


I know this has already been covered off a bit, but keen to hear further insight from those here, I know I struggled with this one..


How often had you felt your mind was wondering back and forth with life stressors from the meditation?

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

Thanks @Shaz51 so nice when we tune into our body relaxing and releasing! And smelling the coffee - another great way to be mindful! We can come into the present moment at any time by deliberately engaging our senses. And what better way than smelling coffee! 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 31st March, 7-8pm AEDT // Guest facilitator: Smiling Mind

It's the hardest part I find to change. Mind is always pretty busy, but it always helps to hear that if the mind wanders, just bring it back to the breath. But sometimes the mind just seems to keep interrupting!