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Helping my sister

Hi, my sister tried to commit suicide on Wednesday 3/6/15. She was taken to hospital emergency dept by ambulance on Thursday morning after the police went to her home. She was discharged on Friday 5/6/15. She was told that the community mental health team would now take her case. She was sent home by herself by a home that she lives alone in, her family all live in Brisbane. Over the last 24 hours she has said on a few occasions that she was so upset that it( suicide) didn't work. I don't think that the mental health system are doing enough to help her. She is crying most of the time and I don't know what to do or say to help her.


Re: Helping my sister

Hi @Caringsister ,


I'm so glad you found this Forum. I can imagine the last week or so has been really distressing for you.

While I'm not able to give you a lot of direction in navigating the MH system for your sister, I strongly urge you to not give up. There is no harm in calling emergency services (000) if your concerns for your sister escalate. If you keep calling and flagging the issue, someone will listen.

This factsheet is a great guide in how to help someone who is having suicidal thoughts. It's very practical.

I'm not sure if your sister will be receptive to this, but here are some great crisis services, which can help your sister.

Lifeline: 13 11 14 - they also have an online crisis chat

Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467 - they also have online counselling

While these forums aren't for crisis support, if she's looking to connect with others who have been through similar circumstances, you could connect her in with our Lived Experience Forums

Welcome to the Forums - please keep coming back, have a look through other discussions, read other's responses to your post and use this forums to vent and share however you want.



Re: Helping my sister

Hi Caringsister

Firstly, please take three long, slow breaths in to try to stay calm and rational in such a stressful situation.

Now, I am not judging you and I do not know your personal situation but I know that if this were my family member I would drop absolutely everything to go to her and be there right beside her as she should not be alone in this time of need. The suicide attempt is a cry for help. Is there a friend or neighbour that could drop in and see if she is ok?

Alternatively, are you able to get her and bring her back with you because she should not be in a house on her own. She needs to go to a GP with a view to getting further help (doing a mental health plan, referral to a psychiatrist, or medication) whatever is necessary.

She needs help but may not be able to get help on her own. She needs support and someone she trusts to guide her. You must remain calm and rational but at the same time forcefully let her see that you are there for her and only want to help her as she may not see logic at this time.

Do not rely on our mental health system there are too many cracks where someone can fall into and fade away. Be proactive and determined about how to help your sister. Jump up and down, rant, scream at professionals (remain courteous) do whatever it takes to get the help your sister needs.

I have been where you are at the moment and it's not nice. Dealing with a mentally sick person can take a huge toll on you so stay strong. Focus on getting immediate help for your sister first and the rest will follow.


Re: Helping my sister

Hi Caringsister

I agree with Linmerc.  My daughter relapsed when she went to live on her own and she was only 30 minutes away from her family!  I don't know how difficult it would be to get your sister home but she needs to have her family around her.  When my daughter was talking suicide we all (her family) one of us at least were with every day until the lease ran out!  Now she lives with me and is doing a lot better.  She has schizophrenia.  She has a case manager, a psychiatrist and i belong to a support group.  Either myself or my other daughter take her to her appointments.  She still gets teary and frustrated and has mentioned suicide along the way but she is never alone for too long.  My daughter still talks about moving out and sharing a house and being independent and it will be a gradual process and if it doesn't work out she can come back home.  All the best and i hope you can get your sister back home soon. 

Re: Helping my sister

Can't believe your sister was discharged after only two days. Sounds like she needs a lot if support. If she doesn't want to lve with the family can't she live in a share house for people in her condition? Sounds like the medication she is on is not working if she is crying all the time. She needs a good psychiatrist and mental health nurse.

Re: Helping my sister

Thank you for your reply.

I did drop everything and drove down as quick as possible to be with my sister,though the trip is over a 4 hour drive.

I called the Community Mental Health Team and spoke to this arrogant man in charge to find out what was going to be put in place to assist my sister. My family  and I have been down with my sister since this has occurred, there is always someone with her.

We are still trying to convince her to moved up with us so that we are near her and can support her everyday.

We are here for her and will do everything in our power to help her through this.

Re: Helping my sister

Hi Caringsister

I'm glad you are there for your sister in her time of need. Keep trying to convince her to come and stay with you for a while until she settles. She really should not be living alone.

Please keep us posted on her progress and remember to look after yourself also.

Stay strong

Re: Helping my sister

It is great that your family is standing beside your sister .. but it is hard for everybody.