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Books that distract us

Hi everyone,

Recently I have noticed the types of books I typically like to read are impacting my sleep and my state of mind. I really like biographies or books about psychology /neuroscience/ behaviour. While I really find these interesting, I'm finding them to be too heavy to read, particularly at bed time.

I'm not usually into non-fiction and most seem to be intense too, so I set out to find a book where I could use my imgination to distract myself and have an interesting storyline, without being too heavy.

I decided to try Harry Potter books. OH MY GOODNESS - I'M IN LOVE! Not only have I not been able to put them down, but you feel like you're in another world. 

I have seen the movies before, and they were okay, but I never thought I would actually enjoy the books!

I'd love to hear of other suggestions, if anyone has found something worth sharing!?


Re: Books that distract us

Hi @NikNik,

TTT is super into the Harry Potter books. Me, not so much. I ultra struggle to concentrate on reading ANYTHING which is super frustrating. When I was a kid, reading was very much my escape from the world and I would super like to be able to get back into the headspace to be able to use reading in that way. 

My favourite book right now is this one: 

Smiley Very Happy

I've noticed lately how many books are read aloud on youtube - cool way to get free audiobooks (assuming you have a good internet plan). 


If you liked it, check out my narration of the 'Gruffalo's Child': This is for my kids, so I can read them a bedtime story whenever I'm away. They think I do the best Gruffalo narration on the web ... but they would, wouldn't they. Let me know if you ...
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Re: Books that distract us


I used to read a lot of books but also find it a struggle ton concentrate on books lately. I would read the same page again and again without taking it in.

I love biographies and used to read them the most. Ones like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Nancy Wake. People who have changed the world for the better.

Have read all of Harry Potter too and loved them. There is a series called Gone by Michael Grant that is really good too.

I listen to audio books lately which I find easier. I hope one day I can get back to my books.

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Re: Books that distract us

@NikNik I agree with your findings, both what I read and what I watch on tv can affect my dreams.

Recently, it's been very hard to concentrate on the content of a story, but I still read every day. I'm an avid reader and used to read anything I could get my hands on. I have become more discerning as I 've aged because too much real life stuff too often affects me negatively.  

My latest enjoyments have included the forensic geneology titles by authors Steve Robinson, Nathan Dylan Goodwin and Stephen Molyneaux. 

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Re: Books that distract us

@NikNik and all I highly recommend the following for pre-bedtime reading. They are young adult fantasy and sci-fi. I reckon it's the best night time reading, not too taxing but really interesting. Although they may make you cry. 

In fact I recommend all young adult fiction as pre-bedtime reading. 

A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula le Guin

The Giver, by Lois Lowry

Bridge to Terabithia, Katherine Paterson

Over sea, Under Stone, Susan Cooper

The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman

Obernewtyn, Isobelle Carmody

 Rite of Passage, Alexi Pansin

Enders Game, Orson Scott Card

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Re: Books that distract us

I'm currently reading some books about hiking and being in the bush because I miss it and I can dream about being on the trail......

Hikertrash, Erin Miller
Becoming Odessa, Jennifer Davis
My year without matches, Claire Dunn

Re: Books that distract us

Hi @NikNik@Former-Member@Former-Member@Former-Member@Phoenix_Rising

I use to read a lot of books . Most of them biographies book. Im goinv to ttry and start reading again. It take me away  from my rea. World and take into me into the world of the book whick i li,e. 

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Re: Books that distract us

Another thought, when the kiddies were still at school and my brain was mushed from the stress of uni study and all the family stuff, I really enjoyed time out with their Choose Your Own Adventure books, younger readers stuff, but very light and engaging when everything else was overwhelming. 

Sometimes you just really need a total change of pace and like @Bubbles3 said, being able to enage in a different world in a book can be really good thing. 

Re: Books that distract us

What a great post. <br><br>I love reading. After a fairly long break from it - eye problems made it impossible to indulge in - im back into reading every day too!!<br><br>Here are some books that iv lost myself in. <br><br>The narrow road to the deep north<br>Lab girl<br>We are all completely beside ourselves<br>The god of small things<br><br>Enjoy!!

Re: Books that distract us

Good morning @Delicatessen, @NikNik, @Former-Member, @Bubbles3, @Former-Member

I have not read a book in a long time now , i used to read a lot , but now I read magazines like Prevention, better homes and gardens, gardening australia, Diabetes, ect