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Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

No, I'm no longer his patient after he suggested that the best course of action for me was " a nice high dose of antipsychotic's "I decided not to have anymore to do with him...I wonder if most of these psychiatrist's are nothing more than glorified drug dealers

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I've heard that......story that anti psychotics don't work but my experience is that they do. For this reason it's

Interesting what you write.........

would you see a GP about them....maybe down the track?

I guess, it's always good to keep your options open??

Thanks for writing @Simack

From PP

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @PeppiPatty I too was on a really good anti psychotic and I did really well...except that I gained 40kg in 6 months. I had to make the decision whether to be mentally healthy or physically healthy. I started puffing going upstairs, my clothes no longer fitted and I started to be really embarrassed about my body. I gave up those meds and have lost 15kg since Christmas by just doing normal stuff (I'm not a gym fanatic or sports person) I don't feel anywhere near as good but I'm going for a Med review soon so I might find something similar to replace them with.
@Simack I gave up my psychiatrist as all he wanted to do was talk about himself (like I care about the Neal diamond concert or how his mum is moving into a nursing home) I hope you find someone new as they can work well when not pushing you from one medication to another

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

It's such a shame is'nt it ....about going on anti psychotics and......then gaining weight. My husband...not that I care; has gained huge weight ..........

I gained huge weight when my son was really ill. It was like I was in a dream.....I was given meds that made my teeth hurt so bad and I chucked the lot away........Meds taken...I got a lap band about 5 years ago...when my son got better and moved away from me. I didnt use it properly for about 3 years.........I think I've lost about 27 but you know.....I feel as I felt when I was 27 bigger.......All this hype about w.loss. 

Now Im on a huge dose of med which focuses on stabilizing my body. 

You write that you saw a Psychiatrist who talked about .........going to a Neil Diamond concert,,,,,,,  

        what the  !!?

Last time I saw a Psychiatrist.......I walked in with this tapestry I do and she saw me for about 10 mins, perscribed meds to me and told me Ille be fine. I could'nt believe it. 10 minutes!!She oh, have been very very sick but you will be fine now. And she diagnosed, perscribed and when she saw my tapestry......she told me I'lle be fine!!

So I cancelled my next appiontment and she calls me. I say,  whats up?? Oh, she says.....why did you cancel?? I said because I found seeing you for 10 minutes, and pescribing me meds made me feel insecure. So we talked for about 5 minutes...I'm telling her that I really feel that I'm not going to waste my time to see someone I'm sitting around for then see her for 10 minutes and I then said......and I only brought you in that tapestry for you to be pleased with me. This made her sit up...(.this is something I learnt in my Psychotherapy clients wanting to please their Doctors....).What???


Do you agree @Sakurapuss that maybe if @Simacksees her Gp, she might get some relief??


Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

He was bizarre indeed. He asked my opinion of what colour paint would suit his consultation room, how much solar panels was costing him and how the neighbours keep watering the garden and wetting the washing on the line. I saw him for a year and a half before I pulled the plug. His only 'perk' was that he would sometimes bulk bill me. I thought it was psychotherapy- trying to get me talking but in the end, I was the one sitting there, nodding and looking at my watch

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Thats so funny........

I saw a Psychiatrist once who is writing away saying she's giving me Psychotherapy and I quit seeing her after about 2 years....She was so boring and ......thinking about it now......I think she was quite passive Aggressive......She would say cutting things about the last client who would smoke but I would be smoking ciggarettes too. Thats passive aggressive isnt it??

I saw a PSychotherapist in 2003 and I still see her a couple of times per years just for a catch up.. I cannot belive she put up with me for this long....

Did I post a picture on the Sane forums for you to see some pics I did some time ago?? I really hope you are thinking about your Art programs.....Can you teach a small group at a Community School??

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Can I criticize your old Psychiatrist?? IS this allowed?? 

A Famous Psycoanalyst called Lacan wrote about how the Psychottherapist is not there to sit down and talk about what similarities you have with him/her but to let them be themselves and you be who you are....

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hey @PeppiPatty probably not which is why I don't see him anymore. Lacan sounds very sensible. I'll do some reading about them. Today I had a Med review with a new psychiatrist I spent 4 months on the waiting list for. I now have another 'augmenting' agent to try. I'll give it a go but this brings the tally up to 6 different meds a day. It's getting a bit silly. I joke with my kids that mum's having her breakfast- a coffee and a handful of pills. Is this normal for anyone else?

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

That's funny about your old psychiatrist too. My poor psychologist she's stuck by me for 4 years 🙂 I'm so glad she's been there and I'm glad you have someone too.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @Sakurapuss

I threw all my books away,,,,,the book is by Bruce Fink.....The 4.......of something. Cant remember the name. Im now reading about how compassion changes people.

I think is is re; the meds. The more WE promote that caring for yourself is about sometimes taking medication.......Your children will love this !! I can see them giggling away already. 


My oldest son wont take meds. I was thinking about it ...he will call my brother regularly...more regularly than me and I was's not really about the money every year but it's about forgetfullness in that just because he is .....lives on the other side of Australia than me and his brother ..he gets very forgetful that I actually do as much as I can for him.

It is very stressful for me that he will not take them but would rather lives this stressed out and more difficult for himself. He loves howing off that he's stopped the illegal substances and cigarette smoking but he manages his .....shakey self by drinking a lot. 


My husband and I do the routine every morning. Its hard sometimes to be patient with him......He's making chicken stew for us two carnivores for dinner. 

How do you like the new Psychiatrist? Im not ....professional or anything. I would rather just support my husband and recover from other stuff and get through my own MI and work a little. 

I thought if I take it slowly, I can be ready for another course soon.

Could this Psychiatrist be the one for you??? :0)