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Re: Depressed

@Alex32redden , are you safe right now?

Re: Depressed

I'm safe. Thanks

Re: Depressed

Thanks for the support. I'm actually trying to work out if I have BPD. I have deppression which I think causes a lot of negative emotions. And also the last year has had more hurtful things happen to me than my entire life put together. How would I know if I have BPD? Or just deppression? I'm not sure. I'm definitely a highly sensitive person and have always had intense emotions. But how would i know if i have BPD? I mean I know it's just like a label for a spectrum of emotional regulation but I want to know how i would know. Thanks and hope you can help.

Re: Depressed

have you considered checking yourself into the hospital to get yourself more support?

with BPD there is often a criteria to meet however I would suggest to speak to a psychiatrist (they can diagnose you) about it.

a lot of mh conditions overlap with many many symptoms, theres often just a few more standout features of each diagnosis that defines them

Re: Depressed

Thanks for the help. I actually don't really believe in labels like BPD etc.
I just see it as emotional regulation problems etc.
And I find the DSM criteria usually a load of ****. I wouldn't really trust someone to diagnose that. But I do know that I feel like I still have depression. Not as bad as it was a frw months ago when i was on dopamine blocking antipsychotics but I know when I feel emotionally hurt and angry it drops into a very severe deppression causing suicidal thoughts. I know that my motivation is low at all times and drops to non-existent in tne emotional episodes. I'm just trying to know if my emotional stuff is like BPD. It's the deppressive symptoms- particularly apathy, amotivation and ahnedonia that cause me the suicidal stuff. Is this like sufferers of BPD?

Re: Depressed

@Alex32redden , was just wondering how you're doing?

Re: Depressed

I'm good thanks. Thanks for the checkup. Starting a 60 day biohacking thing so hope that helps.

Re: Depressed

Am glad and relieved to hear you're feeling better, @Alex32redden , this is good news! 🙂


I had to google "biohacking" and I'm not quite sure what it involves, but I hope it works for you...

Re: Depressed

Thanks. I'm doing my own one. Pretty much everything. Very healthy eating, supplements, candida cleanse, meditation, daily sauna, morning run, cold water exposure, neurotherapy, and much more

Re: Depressed

Wow! This all sounds good...but what's neurotherapy?

